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Personal Data, i.e. the one-man enterprise named Hans-Rudolf Hower, will use its users' and
customers' personal data exclusively for its correspondance and affairs with these persons or enterprises and will
never give knowledge of these data to any third party. We don't even transmit personal data of our visitors to our
Additionally, has no longer been installing cookies on the
users' computers, since April 1, 2016.
Transitional Period
Cookies installed before April 1, 2016, can continue their activities. But you can delete all of them
or selected ones using the corresponding browser options.
Another problem may occur if you have configured your browser to use a chronicle of the pages read.
In that case, unmodified pages continuing to install cookies may be loaded from the
chronicle instead of the more recent versions available on the Web. If you want to be sure to always load the most
recent version of a page, for some transitional time you should delete the chronicle of your browser at the beginning
of any Internet session or configure your browser to no more use a chronicle.
External Links
In spite of of our supervision, external links may lead you to sites whose contents we do not
agree with. In advance we
distance ourselves from any unlawful, inflammatory, insulting, inhuman, discriminating, pornographic or
discreditable contents. Please report us any such occurring contents in order to enable us to remove the concerned
external links.
External links may lead you to sites that use cookies. If you do not want that, you should not
follow any external links. You can recognize an external link by its target address, which does not contain
That address will be displayed on the bottom of the page if you hold the mouse pointer on the link without
moving or clicking. As long as you do not follow external links, the external sites will not be able to install
cookies on your computer. For any external link you can decide yourself whether visiting the external site is more
or less important for you than possible privacy problems.

Hans-Rudolf Hower 2009

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Last updated: July 30, 2019