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General Subjects

General Conditions

Deutsch - Français - Italiano

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General Subjects < Areas of Interest < Welcome

In these General Conditions (GC), the pronoun “we” stands for the “Hans-Rudolf Hower” company that is responsible for this site and presented on the Who are we? page.

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GC for Any Offer

We shall do everything possible to keep our site accessible and correctly working on the Web. Since, however, this does not only depend on ourselves, but involves a lot of instances, unfortunately we cannot garantee this.

Due to the development not really compatible even of the most frequently-used browsers we cannot absolutely exclude malfunctions or wrong interpretations occurring with one of them in spite of thorough tests. If you notify us of such cases (using the Contacts page), we will try and fix those bugs as soon as possible, but this cannot constitute a legal right.

The offers must not violate neither the legal dispositions nor the ethical principles of this site. For more information, see "Legal Issues" sur la Welcome page.

The offers must fit the scope of our site in terms of content. That is why we reserve the right to refuse or delete offers that do not or no more satisfy one of these conditions.

The person or company that owns the offer commit themselves to respecting the legal dispositions and the ethical principles of this site, and to not inserting links leading to sites that disregard this commitment. In case of flouting this regulation, we distance ourselves from those contents beforehand, we refuse any responsability, and we claim our right to cancel without notice, for serious violation of the contract.

Our own responsability is limited to intent and gross negligence. Compensations for damages will only be paid for damages typically related to the project, and only to a maximum depending on the payments we received.

If some parts of our GCs were null and void, this would not have any influence on the validity of the other parts. For the void parts we would try to find a solution that be legally valid and as near as possible to the intention of our text.

German right will apply. The only competent court is that of Munich, as far as this is legal. We equally reserve the right to bring an action at the court that is competent for our contracting partner.

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GC for Third Party Offers

Only the supplier’s General Conditions will apply to any offer for which we only have a role of intermediary.

There will be a contractual relation only between the supplier and his customer.

Nevertheless we are interested in having glad suppliers and glad customers and therefore are willing to play a mediator’s role in case of (e.g. language) problems or conflicts. But this does not constitute a legal right for any involved party nor may this cause legal consequences for us.

Note that there may be particular conditions depending on the involved countries.

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For the on-line partnership programs proposed by companies like amazon ou, the GC of those programs apply as for our relationships with our partners. Those partnerships don't have any influence on possible contractual relationships between our partners and their customers, where only our partners' GC apply. Particularly, our visitors will pay exactly the same price they would pay if they didn't pass through our site.

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GC for Our Own Offers

Our own General Conditions will only apply to those offers which are entirely managed by us. Please note the difference between free and priced offers.

GC for Our Free Offers

Free offers can be removed from the Web at any time. If possible, we will announce removals some reasonable time before. But we are not committed to do so.

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GC for Our Priced Offers

From november 1st, 2014, there are no more any own priced offers on our web pages. Note that even the files considered as shareware up to that date are now freeware available to all of our visitors.

The GCs of the related publishing house's or other marketer will apply to any of our offers being marketed outside our web pages, i.e. as a book.

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Hans-Rudolf Hower 2002

Frequently-asked questions - Webmaster

Last updated: July 30, 2019