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Inscriptions of Maspalomas

Christopher Columbus Rocks

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In the small town of Maspalomas, on the south coast of Gran Canaria, along a lagoon that might have been some sort of natural harbor in earlier centuries, there are several rocks with inscriptions that commemorate Christopher Columbus's last Atlantic crossing, which started from there.

Photo Maspalomas: Christopher Columbus rocks

Rocks and barrels


Photo Maspalomas: inscription of the Christopher Columbus rocks

Spanish inscription

Click on the photos to enlarge them.

Photo Maspalomas: Christopher Columbus rocks

Trilingual rock

Photos: Laurens van der Zee, 2011

Photo Maspalomas: Christopher Columbus rocks

German inscription

Photo Maspalomas: Christopher Columbus rocks

French inscription

Photo Maspalomas: inscription of the Christopher Columbus rocks

English inscription

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Spanish Inscription

Desde este lugar partió Colón en su último viaje a las nuevas islas de las Canarias indianas (America), el 25 de mayo de 1502.

En conmemoración del V centenario de la escala de Colón en Maspalomas.

* 1502 / 2002 *

German Inscription

Ab diesem Ort begab sich am 25. Mai 1502 Columbus auf seine letzte Reise nach den neuen Inseln der Indianischen Kanaren (Amerika).

Zur Erinnerung an den 500 Jahrestag des Aufenthaltes von Columbus in Maspalomas.

1502 / 2002

French Inscription

De cet endroit Colomb est parti pour son dernier voyage aux nouvelles îles des Canaries indiennes (Amérique) le 25 mai 1502.

En commémoration du V centenaire de l'escale de Colomb à Maspalomas.

1502 / 2002

English Inscription

From this point, Columbus set off for his final voyage to the new islands of the Canarian Indies (America), on the 25th of May, 1502.

In commemoration of the V centenary of Columbus stopover in Maspalomas.

1502 / 2002

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These inscriptions are largely self-explaining. But note that in several places the occurring cardinal numbers should be replaced by the required ordinal numbers.

Christopher Columbus's stopover in Maspalomas is a rather well-known historical fact. But the inscriptions described here tell us that Columbus set off to America "from this point", "on the 25th of May, 1502". About 2 km west of Maspalomas, there is another Columbus memorial stating that "Columbus visited this beautiful place on 24 May, 1502", i.e. the previous day. Two stopovers in two days within a distance of 2 kilometers? What does this mean?

For some technical and historical details, see our page that deals with the Maspalomas Christopher Columbus Column.

As for the global name of the Caribbean islands dicovered by Columbus, there is some confusion resulting in different designations.

  • West Indies = Westindien (German)
  • Canarian Indies = Canarias indianas (Spanish)= Canaries indiennes (French)
  • Indianische Kanaren (German)
  • The expression "Indianische Kanaren" used in the German version of the inscription of Maspalomas is not really a customary one. There may be a confusion between "indianisch" (= native American) and "indisch" (from India).

    The most curious expression is "West Indies" because these islands are located in the extreme east of America (or of India, as Columbus thought). Okay, Columbus went westwards to reach these islands but nobody would say that New York is a western city of the United States because from Europe you must go west to go there!

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    Content / Topics


    Official touristic site of the Spanish tourist office.


    In the English Wikipedia.

    Detailed encyclopaedic article on Spain.


    In the English Wikipedia.

    Detailed encyclopaedic article on the town of Maspalomas.

    Christopher Columbus

    In the English Wikipedia.

    Detailed encyclopaedic article on the explorer, colonizer, and navigator Christopher Columbus, who discovered America for the Europeans.

    West Indies (disambiguation)

    In the English Wikipedia.

    Short encyclopaedic article on the Caribbean islands often called West Indies since Christopher Columbus's discovery.

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    Holidays in Maspalomas?   Excellent idea!   But where to stay?

    Whether you are looking for a room, an apartment, a hotel, a guest house, or any other accommodation,
    with board or without it, you can find it on


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    Arrival by Public Transport

    For the arrival in Maspalomas, see Inscriptions of Maspalomas.

    As far as I know, there is no public transport available. But if you arrive in Maspalomas in car, leave it not too far from the lagoon and walk along the water.

    Indications concerning the arrival correspond to our personal knowledge or even experience, but we cannot assume any responsibility for their rightness. When you are reading this page, things may have changed in reality.

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    Animiertes Bild: Doggy live

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    Thanks a lot to Laurens van der Zee, who made the photos and gave important information on the local environment of the commemorative rocks!

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    Hans-Rudolf Hower, 2012

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    Last updated: April 4, 2016