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Inscriptions of Ingolstadt

Ultimate Destination of a Steam Locomotive


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Exiting the main railway station of Ingolstadt you will find yourself in front of an old steam locomotive standing on a rail track as short as the engine and waiting for green light that will never more come. The monument is accompanied by two large boards explaining its history and that of a local railway line now transformed into a bicycle track.

Photo Ingolstadt: steam locomotive

The locomotive




Photo Ingolstadt: steam locomotive

The locomotive

Photo Ingolstadt: first inscription steam locomotive

First Inscription

Photos: Hans-Rudolf Hower, 2011

Photo Ingolstadt: first inscription steam locomotive

Second Inscription

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First Inscription

Original Text (in German)


Ehemalige Lokalbahn Ingolstadt - Riedenburg

Naturpark Altmühltal

Ausflugsziele & Ortsinformationen


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Schambachtalbahn-Radweg    41 km

Die Fahrradtour auf dem Schambachtalbahn-Radweg verläuft auf der ehemaligen Bahntrasse zwischen Ingolstadt Nord und Riedenburg, die 1904 eröffnet und 1972 im Personenverkehr stillgelegt wurde. Landschaftlicher Höhepunkt der 41 Kilometer langen Strecke ist das idyllische Schambachtal, am Wegesrand warten romantische Schlösser und wehrhafte Burganlagen. In charmanten Städtchen und historischen Ortschaften entdeckt man neben vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten und der lokalen Eisenbahngeschichte immer ein schönes Plätzchen für erholsame Pausen.

Ingolstadt Hbf

Ingolstädter Eisenbahngeschichte

Ingolstadt ist Bayerns jüngste Großstadt - seine Geschichte aber ist vielfältig und lädt inmitten des modernen Flair zu Entdeckungsreisen ein.

Die ehemalige bayerische Herzogsresidenz, Festungsstadt an der Donau und heutige traditionsreiche Universitäts- und Wirtschaftsstadt fasziniert durch eine reizvolle Mischung aus Geschichte und Moderne. Herausragende historische Sehenswürdigkeiten sind die Asam-Kirche Maria de Victoria, ein Juwel der barocken Baukunst, der Herzogskasten als Palas der mittelalterlichen Burganlage aus dem 13. Jh., der älteste Profanbau Ingolstadts, oder die Alte Anatomie, die nach Plänen von Gabriel de Gabrieli im Stil einer Orangerie errichtet wurde. Der spätbarocke Prachtbau beherbergt heute das Deutsche Medizinhistorische Museum.

Weitere Highlights der Museumslandschaft sind das Bayerische Armeemuseum im Neuen Schloss, das Museum für Konkrete Kunst in der Donaukaserne oder das Audi museum mobile mit automobilen Klassikern im Audi Forum Ingolstadt.

Das Audi Forum Ingolstadt vor den Toren der Stadt bietet Besuchern eine attraktive Mischung aus Serviceangeboten und Veranstaltungen, aus automobilen Themen und faszinierendem Architekturerlebnis. Ob im Audi museum mobile, im Gebäude „Markt und Kunde“ oder in den stilvollen Restaurants: ganzjährig sorgt ein vielfältiges Programm an Konzerten, Ausstellungen, Filmen oder Vorträgen für abwechslungsreiche Erlebnisse.

Zu gemütlichen Einkaufstouren lädt nicht nur die lebendige Ingolstädter Innenstadt, sondern auch die stilvolle Outlet-Anlage „Ingolstadt Village“ mit über 60 Boutiquen ein.

Am 14. November 1867 erreichte von München kommend der erste Eisenbahnzug die Landesfestung Ingolstadt.

Die Reisenden mussten etwa 500 Meter nördlich des heutigen Hauptbahnhofs mit einer Bretterbude als Empfangsgebäude vorlieb nehmen und den Weg zur Stadt zu Fuß oder mit der Kutsche zurücklegen.

Dieser Zustand änderte sich, als am 12. April 1870 die Strecke Ingolstadt - Treuchtlingen den Betrieb aufnahm und nördlich der Donau der „Lokalbahnhof Ingolstadt“ (heute Ingolstadt Nord) errichtet wurde. Er war vorerst der eigentliche Ingolstädter Bahnhof, in dem alle Schnell- und Personenzüge hielten.

Mit dem Bau der „Donautalbahn“ Ingolstadt - Augsburg musste für Ingolstadt ein „Centralbahnhof“ geschaffen werden. Wirtschaftliche, verkehrstechnische und militärische Belange waren dabei in Einklang zu bringen. Die vorgelegten sieben Entwürfe unterschieden sich in zweierlei Hinsicht. Entweder sollte der Bahnhof im Bereich der Festung selbst oder zehn Kilometer außerhalb bei Oberstimm errichtet werden. Nur so glaubte das Militär die Bahnanlagen im Kriegsfall wirksam verteidigen zu können. Auf Vermittlung von König Ludwig II. einigte man sich am 28. April 1872 auf einen Bahnhof innerhalb des Vorwerksgürtels am südlichen Donauufer.

Der Bau des „Centralbahnhofs“ (heute Ingolstadt Hauptbahnhof) wurde am 19. September 1873 begonnen. Der Betrieb selbst konnte am 1. Juni 1874 mit Eröffnung der Bahnlinie Ingolstadt - Regensburg aufgenommen werden. Am 15. August 1874 wurde die Strecke Ingolstadt - Donauwörth, am 15. Mai 1875 die Strecke Ingolstadt - Augsburg eröffnet. Die „Schambachtalbahn“ Ingolstadt - Riedenburg folgte am 3. Oktober 1904.

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Schambachtal Line Bicycle Route

Former Local Railway Line Ingolstadt - Riedenburg

Altmühltal Nature Park

Destinations of Excursions & Local Information


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Schambachtal Line Bicycle Route    41 km

The bicycle tour along the Schambachtalbahn bicycle track follows the former railway line between Ingolstadt Nord and Riedenburg, which was inaugurated in 1904 and whose passenger transportation was closed in 1972. The scenic highlight of the 41 kilometer-long line is the idyllic Schambach valley with romantic manor houses and well-fortified castles on the wayside. In charming towns and historical villages you will not only find many sights and the local railway history but also many nice places for recreative pauses.

Ingolstadt Hbf

Railway history of Ingolstadt

Ingolstadt is the Bavarian city that most recently exceeded 100,000 inhabitants - but its multifaceted history invites to discovery amidst the modern flair of the city.

The former Bavarian ducal residence, fortified Danubian city and modern university and business city rich in tradition fascinates by a charming mix of history and modern times. Its outstanding historical sights are the Asam church Maria de Victoria, a jewel of baroque architecture, the "ducal hutch" (Herzogskasten) containing the large hall of the medieval fortified castle built in the 13th century, which is the oldest secular building of Ingolstadt, or the Old Anatomy Building, erected in the style of an orangery according to the plans of Gabriel de Gabrieli. This magnificent late baroque building nowadays is the home of the German Museum of Medicine History.

Further highlights of the local museums are the Bavarian Army Museum in the New Castle, the Museum of Concrete Art in the Danube Barracks or the Audi Mobile Museum with automobile classics in the Audi Forum Ingolstadt.

The Audi Forum Ingolstadt just outside the city offers visitors an attractive mix of service offers and events, of automobile topics and fascinating architectural experience. Whether in the Audi Mobile Museum, in the „Market and Customer“ building or in the stylish restaurants: all year round a manifold program of concerts, exhibitions, films or speeches provides diversified e experiences.

You are invited to comfortable shopping tours in the animated center of the city of Ingolstadt as well as in the stylish "Ingolstadt Village" outlet-center with its 60 boutiques.

On November 14, 1867, the first train coming from Munich reached the regional fortress of Ingolstadt.

Travellers had to be satisfied with a wooden hut serving as a station building, some 500 meter north of today's main stationa and they had to walk all the way to the city or take a coach.

This situation changed when on April 12, 1870, the Ingolstadt - Treuchtlingen line was put into service and the "Local Station Ingolstadt" (today's Ingolstadt Nord) was built north of the Danube river. At first, this was the actual railway station of Ingolstadt, where all express trains and slow trains stopped.

When the "Danube Valley Line" from Ingolstadt to Augsburg was built, a new "Central Station" had to be built for Ingolstadt. Economic, transportation-related and military issues had to be harmonized. The seven submitted concepts differed in two respects. The station should be built either within the fortress itself or ten kilometers outside, near Oberstimm. The armed forces thought these were the only ways to be able to efficiently defend the railway system in case of war. On the intercession of King Ludwig II, on April 28, 1872, they agreed upon a station situated within the fortress's outworks near the Danube waterside.

The construction of the "Central Station" (today's Ingolstadt Main Station) began on September 19, 1873, and transport operation started on June 1, 1874, with the inauguration of the railway line from Ingolstadt to Regensburg. On August 15, 1874, the Ingolstadt - Donauwörth line was put into service, followed by the Ingolstadt - Augsburg line, on May 15, 1875, whereas the Schambach Valley Line from Ingolstadt to Riedenburg was opened on October 3, 1904.


As shown by this inscription, from the middle of the 19th century to the end of World War II the main concern of European states was the construction of railway lines covering the whole territory. This was necessary to assure mobility for the multitude of industrial workers living far from their working place - and having no other means of transportation.

But after World War II, not later than the beginning of the sixties, things changed radically. Most of the people now had a car of their own and stopped taking trains. To avoid a financial catastrophy, the regional and national administrations reacted by putting many railway lines out of service. Sometimes only goods transportation still continued for a while but when even this no longer worked, the railway installations were abandoned or transformed into touristic bicycle tracks. The latter was a good thing for people that liked to have bike tours far from automobile traffic but this way any reconstruction of the railway line became impossible. Curiously there are many examples of abandoned railway lines that were successfully reanimated after passing into private hands.

Apparently the announced Web site presenting the bicycle track of the Schambach Valley does not exist any more (try yourself).

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Second Inscription

Original Text (in German)

Lokalbahnlokomotive 98 507 der DB

Gattung DXI der Königlich Bayerischen Staatsbahn

Gebaut 1903 von der Firma Krauss & Cie. in München, Fabr.-Nr. 4869 im Dienst bis 1960, Laufleistung ca. 1,5 Mio. km

Die insgesamt 147 bewährten und robusten Lokomotiven dieses Typs leisteten unverzichtbare Dienste bei der Erschließung der ländlichen Gegenden Bayerns. Die Lokomotive 98 507 ist die letzte noch erhaltene Maschine dieser Baureihe. Bereits 1968 wurde sie vor dem Hauptbahnhof als Denkmalslok aufgestellt, zur Erinnerung an die für Ingolstadt so bedeutende Eisenbahngeschichte.

2005 wurde die Lokomotive von der Stadt Ingolstadt endgültig übernommen.

Leistung: 320 PS
Masse: 39 t
Vmax: 45 km/h
Kuppelrad-Durchmesser: 1006 mm

Zylinder-Hub: 508 mm
Zylinder-Durchmesser: 375 mm
Rostfläche: 1,34 qm
Heizfläche: 67,29 qm

Seit 1979 betreut der Wahlkurs Eisenbahn des Apian-Gymnasiums diese Lok.


Local train steam engine 98 507 of the DB

DXI type of the Royal Bavarian Railways

Constructed in 1903 by Krauss & Cie. in Munich, fabr. nr. 4869 in service until 1960, vehicle miles traveled ca. 1.5 million km

All of the 147 reliable and robust locomotives of this type rendered essential services in the covering of the rural regions of Bavaria. The 98 507 locomotive is the last existing engine of this type. Already in 1968 it was placed in front of the main station as a monument, in remembrance of railway history, which had been so important for Ingolstadt.

In 2005 the locomotive definitely became propriety of the city of Ingolstadt.

Power: 320 HP
Mass: 39 t
Vmax: 45 km/h
Diameter of coupling wheel: 1006 mm

Cylinder stroke: 508 mm
Diameter of cylinder: 375 mm
Grate area: 1,34 m2
Heating surface: 67,29 m2

Since 1979 this locomotive has been in charge of the optional "Railway" course of the Apian Secondary School.


This is a nice monument that commemorates the great century of steam locomotives as well as the radical changes imposed to railway companies by the behavior of their customers, above all in rural zones.

I particularly like the last sentence of the inscription, which tells us that some school classes have been constantly taking care of the locomotive since 1979. This sort of initiatives should be encouraged everywhere. Unfortunately are they often impeded by considerations of insurance and third party liability.

You will find a comparable initiative in Heidelberg. See Brownies of Heidelberg-Rohrbach (German).

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Author / Title / Subject


Info / Purchase

Munich, Bavaria and the Black Forest
(Lonely Planet Country & Regional Guides)

A guide to southern Germany. English. English. English. English.

(Cadogan Guides)

A specialized guide to Bavaria. English. English. English. English.

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Please be aware of our legal reservation concerning any Internet reference.

Address / Owner

Content / Subjects

Municipality of Ingolstadt

Official site (German language).


In the English Wikipedia.

Encyclopaedic article on the city of Ingolstadt.

City map of Ingolstadt

By Google Maps.

Zoomable city map of Ingolstadt.

First Inscription: The Bicycle Track

Schambachtalbahnradweg valley bicycle track

Site announced in the inscription.

Special site on the Schambachtalbahn bicycle track. According to my latest verification (February 4, 2012), this site doesn't exist any more.

Schambachtalbahn-Radweg (Naturpark Altmühltal)

By the Informationszentrum Naturpark Altmühltal

Short presentation of the bicycle track and other regional offers for tourists.

Schambachtalbahn-Radweg (Altmühltal)

By the Tourimusverband im Landkreis Kelheim e.V.

Short presentation of the bicycle track and other regional offers for tourists.


In the German Wikipedia.

Encyclopaedic article on the town of Oberstimm, immediately south of Ingolstadt, where the central railway station of Ingolstadt had to be built according to some initial plans.

Oppidum of Manching

In the English Wikipedia.

Detailed encyclopaedic article on the large Celtic city-like settlement at modern-day Manching and Oberstimm (both near Ingolstadt).


In the English Wikipedia.

Very short encyclopaedic article on the town of Kösching, north-east of Ingolstadt. For more information, see the German Wikipedia.


In the German Wikipedia.

Encyclopaedic article on the town of Kösching, north-east of Ingolstadt.


In the English Wikipedia.

Very short encyclopaedic article on the town of Großmehring, eight kilometers east of Ingolstadt. For more information, see the German Wikipedia.


In the German Wikipedia.

Encyclopaedic article on the town of Großmehring, eight kilometers east of Ingolstadt.


In the English Wikipedia.

Very short encyclopaedic article on the town of Oberdolling, Oberdolling, north-east of Großmehring and east of Kösching. For more information, see the German Wikipedia.


In the German Wikipedia.

Encyclopaedic article on the town of Oberdolling, north-east of Großmehring and east of Kösching.


In the English Wikipedia.

Very short encyclopaedic article on the town of Mindelstetten, east of Oberdolling. For more information, see the German Wikipedia.


In the German Wikipedia.

Encyclopaedic article on the town of Mindelstetten, east of Oberdolling.


In the English Wikipedia.

Very short encyclopaedic article on the town of Altmannstein, in the Schambach valley (Schambachtal), north of Kösching, Oberdolling, and Mindelstetten. For more information, see the German Wikipedia.


In the German Wikipedia.

Encyclopaedic article on the town of Altmannstein, in the Schambach valley (Schambachtal), north of Kösching, Oberdolling, and Mindelstetten.


In the English Wikipedia.

Very short encyclopaedic article on the town of Riedenburg, situated on the river Altmühl and end of the former railway line from Ingolstadt, now transformed into a bike track. For more information, see the German Wikipedia.


In the German Wikipedia.

Encyclopaedic article on the town of Riedenburg, situated on the river Altmühl and end of the former railway line from Ingolstadt, now transformed into a bike track.

Second Inscription: The Locomotive

Steam locomotive

In the English Wikipedia.

Very detailed encyclopaedic article on steam locomotives.

Locomotive Builders

By Sunshine Software, Inc.

Worldwide list of steam locomotive builders, including Krauss & Cie., who made the locomotive shown in our inscription.

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Whether you are looking for a room, an apartment, a hotel, a guest house, or any other accommodation,
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Arrival by Public Transport

For the arrival in Ingolstadt, see Inscriptions of Ingolstadt.

To see the old steam locomotive, just exit the Ingolstadt main station and look across the street.

Indications concerning the arrival correspond to our personal knowledge or even experience, but we cannot assume any responsibility for their rightness. When you are reading this page, things may have changed in reality.

Hans-Rudolf Hower, 2012

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Last updated: April 4, 2016