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Inscriptions of Bale / Valle (Istria)



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On the floor, near one of the long sides of the church situated in the center of Bale / Valle you will find the inscription described here.

Photo Bale / Valle: Local church

Local church



Photos: Hans-Rudolf Hower, 2013

Photo Bale / Valle: Auto-Remembrance


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Original Text (in older Italian language)

Noi Polo, Piero et Matthio Maserazzi
vivendo havemo p
[re]parato p[er] noi
et posteri n
[ost]ri q[ues]to m[onumen]to.


We, Paolo, Pietro, and Matteo Maserazzi,
created this memorial for us
and our descendants, during our lifetimes.

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The original text parts written in light face and square brackets have been completed by myself to the best of my knowledge, and the result seems plausible to me.

What's behind this inscription? For a simple boyish prank, the three authors of the inscription (three brothers? a man with his two sons? other relatives? or three persons happening to have the same name?) display too much artisanal skill and too much knowledge of older epigraphy. Is this a case of self-commemoration?

As the inscription lies on the floor directly beside the local church, its authors might be three men participating in the construction of the church. If you have any further information, please send it to us (or at least a hint on your resources). Thank you so much in advance!

You can find more photos of Bale / Valle under Walking Through Bale / Valle.

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Content / Subjects


In the English Wikipedia.

Encyclopaedic article on Croatia.


In the English Wikipedia.

Encyclopaedic article on Istria.

Bale - Valle

Official site of the village of Bale / Valle (in Croatian, Italian, and English).

Bale (town)

In the English Wikipedia.

Short encyclopaedic article on the Istrian locality of Bale / Valle.


In kroat. Wikipedia.

Short encyclopaedic article on the Istrian locality of Bale / Valle.


In google.maps.

Zoomable city map of Bale / Valle.

Istriot language

In the English Wikipedia.

Short encyclopaedic article on the Istriot language, with a comparing Italian-Istriot Text.

Italian language in Croatia

In the English Wikipedia.

Detailed encyclopaedic article on the use of the Italian language in Istria.

Istrian Italians

In the English Wikipedia.

Detailed encyclopaedic article on the Italians living in Istria.

Comunità Nazionale Italiana (CNI)

Official site of the Unione italiana, which is the official organisation defending the rights of the Italians living in Istria (only in Italian).

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Arrival by Public Transport

For the arrival in Bale / Valle, see Inscriptions of Bale / Valle.

Simply drive down to the large parking area beneath the local church, which you can see from afar. Then simply walk up to the church and go round it counter-clockwisely. So you will see the inscription beside its left long side on the floor.

Indications concerning the arrival correspond to our personal knowledge or even experience, but we cannot assume any responsibility for their rightness. When you are reading this page, things may have changed in reality.

Hans-Rudolf Hower, 2014

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Last updated: April 2, 2016